RSS 게시판 2.0 /web/JWIZARD7/sites/eng/ ko Re-designation of the operating organization of Cebu King Sejong Institute in Cebu, Philippines /bbs/eng/768/93525/ 2017-08-18 15:41:38.0 총관리자 Wonkwang Health Science University Wonkwang GlobalEducation CenterRe-designation of the operatingorganization of Cebu King Sejong Institute in Cebu, Philippines [Photo: Wankwang GlobalEducation Center in Cebu, Philippines]The Wonkwang Global EducationCenter, established by Wonkwan ‘Held an orientation for international students from Shan Dong Ying Cai Xue Yuan’ /bbs/eng/768/93524/ 2017-08-18 15:39:28.0 총관리자 WonkwangHealth Science University, ‘Held an orientation for international students from ShanDong Ying Cai Xue Yuan’ [Photo : Orientation for international students from Shan Dong Ying Cai Xue Yuan, China]Wonkwang Health Science University(President Kim In-jong) held an orientation ‘Wonkwang, Make into One ‧ To the World ‧ To the Future!’ /bbs/eng/768/93523/ 2017-08-18 15:37:43.0 총관리자 ‘Wonkwang, Make into One ‧ To theWorld ‧ To the Future!’Wonkwang Academyconducted volunteer activities in MongoliaWonkwang University,Wonkwang Health Science University, Wonkwang Digital University, Wonkwang UniversityHospital・Dental Hospital・OrientalHospital Volunteer medical service for 4,000 peop